Thursday, April 17, 2008


I felt like James wasn't being represented on this blog! He doesn't let me take many pictures, so I had to do some digging! He won't like this at all, but I think he is so cute! I just love him so much! He is the best husband and dad.
Here he is in his many roles as a husband/dad. He is in jail at Alcatraz, in jail in bed after his knee surgery,awesome soccer coach, sporty fisher guy, awesome hiker, clumsy hiker, fireman, and last but not least, our sprinkler system. He works hard every day!


Karri said...

I got in! Yea! I just have to tell you my stomach hurt last night when I got home from laughing so hard. I'm excited to have you make me laugh over blogging! YOu hot mama with your new hair cut!

Pamcakes said...

you are a good wife to say such things about James. I hope he appreciates it. Tell him he needs to buy you a new shirt now.

Kjerstin said...

I bet he LOVES having knee surgery pictures up! You're such a nice wife!

L and T said...

Now we are waiting for a post written by James
Amber we are loving your blog!