Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes, I am crazy!

O.K., so this should seem pretty much ridiculous to most normal people in the world. However, we all know that I am not normal, so this is a big deal to me today.
I woke up this morning and took one look at my house and thought that I should be fired immediately from my job. I was embarrassed for myself to see it, let alone anyone from the "outside". I decided that I had to skip my gym class (even though I am supposed to be losing 10 lbs. by Tuesday for our "show") and clean the hole I was trying to live in. I worked and worked! James is gone to Utah today for meetings. I decided to make a journal entry to prove that I did indeed clean our house today and I have pictures to prove it! I sacrificed at least 2 lbs. today (well maybe not because I kept eating candy) so that we can live like normal "semi-clean" people. I know that by the time James gets home tonight, it will look like I did nothing.
The bad thing is, I haven't even made it back to my bedroom yet! I will post a before and after picture to prove how hard I've worked for my money! I am just trying to help other people feel better about themselves. I need to have a messy house so that other people can come over and realize that they are wonderful housekeepers, it is my special mission in life. :0)

May all your lives be blessed with a messy friend!

P.S.-If you are wondering if I have finally gone crazy, the answer is "duh"! This is what happens to me when I have very limited adult interaction! Sorry you have to be an innocent victim of my insanity today.


Kjerstin said...

You missed something purple on the living room floor. . .oh wait, that's Averi! :) If you saw my bedroom right now, you'd feel a lot better. You can't even see the floor. The rest of the house is kinda picked up, but my bedroom is the dumping ground for everything!

Kjerstin said...

By the way, I LOVE that very last picture of Averi clear at the bottom of your blog! She is so beautiful!

Cheryl and Scott said...

I love your blog Amber!!! I had so much fun at Bonko the other night. I seriously thought I was gonna pee my pants from laughing so!
Oh, your house looks awesome!!

Lisa said...

Your too funny! great blog!!

Pamcakes said...

I think you should start your own cleaning service, your house looks way too clean. I love all your pictures.

Kam said...

looks great! I could have done the same thing today, it seems. The "before" pictures here could have more than rivaled yours, for sure. I'm not suremy "after" shots would look as good. Hey, I like your red kitchen wall. Cute.

Anonymous said...

Well my bedroom is filled with laundry...not just one basket, but 3 unfolded baskets. It's been unfolded since Friday. It was in the living room until I moved it to my room in case my Visiting teachers just show up. The last 2 times they've been here I have had laundry sitting on the couch. The 2nd time they came one of them said, "wasn't that laundry there last time we came." Rude!! You'd think they'd offer to help me fold it. Anyways I am tempted to just bring it back out and dumped it all over the floor, so that when they come they can be shocked again. What do you think?

Karri said...

Way to go Amber! When are you leaving for UTah? Good luck with that whole thing. How did your losing ten pounds in one week go? I think you look AMAZING!