I was watching a show the other day and they were talking about the San Francisco Gay Parade...I just smiled and knew what I wanted to blog about next! (No, it is not that I don't like gay people, I know a lot of great people who happen to be gay). However, I happened to be in San Francisco last year at the time of the gay parade, and I wanted to share my experience with everyone who hasn't had the chance to see it yet!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Right now it is midnight! I should be asleep, but I am not! I just had to gripe about falling down again! I was walking in my back yard and tripped and fell flat on my face in a HUGE mud puddle! I was covered from chin to toes in yucky mud, water and grass! I started laughing and then crying at this ridiculous new behavior I have developed! I wanted to finally get to jump up and yell "Super-Star" (we don't get many second chances in life ya know), but nobody was around, so I did it in my head!
I either have an inner ear infection making me "off kilter", or I have diagnosed myself with a rare brain tumor that makes me dumber! It is probably a tumor, I get a lot of those (all diagnosed by myself of course). Did I mention that I am a hypochondriac? My family has stopped taking my tumors seriously, but you never know!
P.S.-Yes Dayna, I have a nice cut on my knee from my previous fall! It didn't rip my favorite pants thank goodness, it did however rip a hole in my ego!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Like Sand Through the Hourglass, So are the Days of My Life!
June has my head spinning! In the past 2 weeks, I have:
*Have been to 8 parties and eaten my body weight in junk food and fried chicken! (Daddy Daughter Date, James' B-Day, James' work party, ward bbq, my Scentsy party, Father's Day bbq, blind kids picnic, BUNKO, and I have one tomorrow too!)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I've Lost My Voice
This is another example of my supreme mothering! I have almost lost my voice today, and this is annoying on so many levels.
The worst thing (and it takes a real woman to admit this) is that I can't "raise my voice" at my kids to get their attention. That is the most annoying part of this to me! My kids don't respond to nice soft talk, only loud dramatic "voice raising".
So...this is another confession from my crazy mommy moments!
Monday, June 16, 2008
You might be a redneck if...
*Your kids' swimmin' pool is an old plastic pond insert for the yard you don't use anymore.
*Your 5 year old's swimming suit is your 7 year old's old gymnastic outfit.
*Your 7 year old's swimming suit broke so she swims in her old soccer uniform.
My mothering skills astound me!
*Averi learned how to ride a "big girl" swing and go on the slide all by herself. Mommy was too scared to let her try, so while Mommy wasn't looking Taylor put Averi to the test, and she passed! She usually likes to ride in the baby swings because she lets go too much and I am a paranoid freak! I have visions of her falling and breaking her neck or something! It just goes to show what a little bit of "kid faith" can do! Averi is a pro now. SOMETIMES IGNORANCE REALLY CAN BE BLISS!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day James!
I have the best husband in the world! He is the best dad too! I have pictures of him playing with the kids today, but they are on my mom's camera dangit! He is so nice and so patient! I love that he is so willing to help our kids out when they need him. He is also a great example to Christian on how to treat his future wife and to Averi and Taylor on how they need to be treated by their future husbands. I am lucky to be married to someone who respects me and who has great priorities. I LOVE YOU SNUGGLES!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
One word, is it possible?
Global Warming my butt!
*This is what I saw when I woke up today! What is wrong with this picture?!? I was ticked off!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Jimmy Scratcher!
Monday, June 9, 2008
What is the cure for boredom?
What is up with the weather? I am sick of the wind and cold! I know that as soon as I post this it will be 105 degrees for the next 2 months straight! But, when it is miserable and I have the kids home all day we start going stir crazy!
Christian and Taylor have started dressing up in each others clothes for fun while Averi is starting to streak us on an hourly basis (she is a natural born nudist). Christian has decided to give Taylor piano lessons (he doesn't even know how to play piano), and I have started giving Averi at least 2 baths a day to keep her entertained (that is until she decided to poop in the tub, I guess that was supposed to be for my entertainment) . The biggest highlight of the day here is that Averi's Sit-n-Spin's batteries are almost dead and it plays the songs really weird. She is very fascinated by this, and has been sitting on it all morning. Taylor is trying to play "God Bless America" on the piano and singing along REALLY LOUD, and it is cute. However, it is making Averi mad because she doesn't like to share the piano. Christian let Taylor paint one of his fingernails, and then he gave Taylor a makeover. It kinda looked like she had camo painted on her face. I should have taken a picture really fast, it was funny.
So, now I have about 100 things I should be doing, but my will to be productive has been sapped out of me! Laundry and grocery shopping are not exactly the cures for boredom! I have also decided to stop drinking Diet Pepsi today. What am I thinking? I am totally not addicted to the caffeine, but I am addicted to the sweet taste, it is a nice treat when I am bored. We'll see how long I can last, I have about 2 cases of it in my garage calling my name!
May your day be filled with lots of excitement! I know it's out there somewhere!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Puke Fest 2008!
Oh yeah! I found that the best thing to counteract a cookie dough pig-out is the stomach flu! I had the stomach flu last week and lost 5 lbs.! I am sick and demented because that was actually worth puking to me! It paid off and I was glad!
Can I be any more whiney?
I have really been slacking off on my blogging! It isn't my fault! The kids got out of school and it has totally thrown off my groove! What ever happened to year round school? Don't get me wrong, I adore my children, but they can sure drive me crazy. My biggest gripe is the fighting. I can't stand the constant bickering!
On the plus side, it is also chore season! I don't make my kids do many chores during school because they are so busy and have tons of homework every night, so I give them a break! Summer on the other hand is when I let them do chores to earn allowance. I have to admit that my house stays a lot cleaner when they are helping do the chores, what does that say about me? Probably that I am pretty lazy!
I am busier than ever right now! This week I am helping organize a blind kid family picnic, a daddy/daughter picnic for achievement day girls, and I am planning my first party for Scentsy. Oh yeah, and I am still doing stuff for this Mystery Diagnosis show! Uggggg! I really think they should pay me for all the time I have put in to this. I am like free labor to them.
O.K., this is my most important bit of information I have to share! We actually have someone lined up to finish our basement! We have lived here for 4 years now, and have saved and spent the money to do this a few times. We have planned on doing the work ourselves, I even got lumbar, sheet rock, and electrical wiring for Christmas. Alas, we have finally admitted to ourselves that we have no skills! We have a friend in the ward (he is also a fighter in the cage fights we like to watch) with the skills that we sorely lack. I will post the progress so y'all can see! I am so happy! I can finally live in my whole house, not just half of it.
Sorry about my whine fest! I am trying to have a fun summer! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!