Friday, November 18, 2011

I am thankful for laughter--- except when milk comes out of my nose.

This is my "theme" quote!


Attending public events with me could cause you extreme embarrassment!  I cannot be trusted to act mature in certain settings.  Be friends with me at your own risk!

Last night I went to a Court of honor for Scouts and they were giving out  Wood Badges to 3 adults.  There was no hope for me to take it seriously!!

-First some guy blew some weird horn thingy without any warning and I almost peed my pants.  -Then they sang some song and a guy said with such a straight face "while we are singing this song please stand when we name the critter you represent"
I was looking around watching people popping up proudly in the audience while singing some weird song and everyone was just acting like that was normal.  I was dying of laughter inside hoping I wasn't supposed to know what "critter" I represented because I wasn't in any condition to stand up! 

-Finally I couldn't hold it in any longer...I busted out in out in crazy loud laughter-OOPS!  James almost had to escort me out of the stake center gym. 

James, Christian and I all had to contain our laughter for the rest of the meeting.  I just can't take ceremonies like that seriously...I think I am so immature.  I shouldn't be allowed in public.  Luckily I held it together after that and laughed until I was crying all the way home!  My poor family...James and Christian are so nice and quiet and then they have to have me as a wife and mom.  

I guess I try not to take life too seriously!  I have to find even the smallest amount of humor in everyday life or I will literally go insane!

I apologize ahead of time for any inappropriate laughter you may hear from me.   I am supposed to be teaching Averi proper behavior.  Boy is she in trouble!

I am so thankful for a sense of humor though!  I think almost everything seems easier to handle with a good dose of laughter.  

Above all else: go out with a sense of humor.  It is needed armor.  Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life. 
~Hugh Sidey


Barb said...

Hi Amber!

You are sooooo funny - I wish I would have been there!! I love your laugh! I don't know how anyone could NOT laugh when they are around you?! You are definitely my daughter - most of the time, I cry, otherwise I would cry!

I want you to remember that Court of Honor when dad had to dress up like an Indian - remember that? If not I have pictures to prove it! Than ought to make you laugh!

Hugs and Love,

Barb said...

Oops, that should of said . . . "most of the time I laugh, otherwise, I would cry."


Anonymous said...

You are sooooo funny!! I just pictured the whole thing. LOL!! Love you;)

Kam said...

Hey, I thought I left a comment? Maybe it didn't save? Well, anyway, hilarious!! Wish I could have been there to giggle with you!

LeAnn said...

Oh my gosh; I am LOL on this one. I needed a smile and laugh and you are the best for that one!
Love and hugs! Mom