Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today is the first day of the rest of my happy basement life! I am so happy because today our contractor started our basement!

We hired a new guy we know and like a lot, and he is doing an excellent job! If any of you need a handyman, call me and I will give you his number He already has closets and walls and our tub drain dug up!

On a whiny note...I feel like my head may explode soon! I have some dang sinus infection, and it is making me very mad!


LeAnn said...

Hi, from Mom:
Just two questions. One,Will your new handyman travel to South Jordan we need help? Two, are you building a room for Dad and I?
Love you much, Mom

Ritch in Love said...

Hi Amber,
I tagged you on my blog! Come see!-katie ritchie

Anonymous said...

Glad your basement is finally getting finished, you will be so happy to have more usable space!! Sorry you are still not feeling good, hang in there!!

L and T said...

ok here's what you need:
catheter tip syringe
vial of 14.6% NaCl
Vial of 8.4% Na bicarb
4-6 oz of warm water
I'm sure james can bring all of this home from earmac.

just mix 10-20 ml of the nacl and bicarb in the water. Don't forget the bicarb or it will burn like hell.

Spend the next 10 minutes shooting 20 ml of the solution up your nose. alternating nares.
do this a few times per day and before you know it, your sinus infection will be gone
You're welcome
oh, and I can't wait until my next sinus infection so I can blog about this remedy.

L and T said...

oh yeah, make sure you are standing above the sink when you do this