Amber, aka:
Christian's mom
Taylor's mom
Averi's mom
James' wife
Mrs. Williams
Sister Williams
That's not fair
Crazy Freakin' Chooch
Crazy Lady
Crazy Mama Lady
Just to name a few..................
P.S.- It took James approx. 4 hrs. to come up with this post! This posting stuff can be a lot of pressure. He made up the nickname Feechuchi about 12 yrs. ago and it has since shortened to just Chooch. That is what he calls me most of the time. Mahanna is a nickname from college that I got. Probably because I was ugly!?! Who knows, but it really stuck!
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago
My favorite is "that's not fair"! Oh yeah, and all I have to say is "WHATEVER!!!" to your ugly comment. You're a babe!
James rocks. I am glad he wants to play on your blog too. I have never know a blog to change names quite so often, it makes me laugh.
Tell James he forgot a really good one... BAHAMA WONKER! he hehe.
Amber you are so funny!! I love the nicknames.
I got called many, but the one I hated was strawberry shortcake. First of all I had red hair from playing, "Annie" in a stake play and then to top it off short cake because I was really short in Jr. High.
My favorite is also "that's not fair"! I love that James adds to your blog! Brian likes to look at our friends blogs, but doesn't usually add to ours.
P.S. You are not and have never been ugly!
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