Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let the games begin! is out.   I have such mixed emotions about this summer vacation thing.  On one hand I love, love, love not having to wake up at 6 a.m. to get going before Averi's therapists come at 7.  I love not having to run around on such a tight schedule to get everything done in a day.  I love not having school projects to do help my kids make.  I also love seeing my little offspring more, and I really love that they know how to clean the house and babysit themselves.

On the other do I say this nicely?  I hate the fighting, whining about being bored, the food consumption that happens during that boredom, and not getting any free "me time".  I admit that I am very spoiled when it comes to the school year and having a whole day to myself.  I love the quiet times.  If you have ever spent time around Averi you would know that those quiet times are few and far between!  The lack of quiet time is probably at the top of my "Why I am Crazy" list... it is a very long list BTW!

I can't resist putting this on here!  LOL!  This is sooo my life!

I am actually sitting here thinking about how funny and unique my kids are.  Here are some random things about our family that the outside world probably shouldn't/doesn't know about us:

-Christian loves money.  He has actually sold some of his old toys on E-Bay and made a lot of money.  He is a little entrepreneur!  He works really hard and willingly if money is involved.

-Taylor loves to snuggle!  She would be happy snuggling, hugging, or holding my hand all day long.  I think it is so cute.

-Averi has a "super-power".  She can tell you what day of the week it is going to be on any given date within a couple of years forward or backward.  She also never forgets a birthday (even if you only tell her once) and she has a Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM)  (yeah, it's a real thing) where she remembers almost everything we do each day and she can tell me about it for years.  I love it!! She is my personal calendar.  Every morning she wakes up and asks me who's birthday it is and I don't know, but she always has someone in mind, some people I don't even know, and she only met once.

-James is the weirdest person I know.  He makes up silly words, songs, names and stories all of the time!  I think he is the best "undercover weirdo" that has EVER existed!  He should have been a songwriter or children's book author.

-I have a hidden talent of burping REALLY loud!  It is an acquired skill that took a lot of practice and developing, so I am actually pretty proud of it.  Think Buddy the Elf burp, that is almost how good I am!  : )

-Christian is really funny and comes up with some brilliant perspectives on life that make us laugh so hard!  He kinda got his dad's weirdness.

-Taylor is really good at doing 50's dances, especially the "Twist".  But she hates to dance with boys who have sweaty hands.

-Averi pretends to be scared of words.  Her latest words are; tar, gar, and ter (some aren't even real words either).  We don't know why the heck she does this, but it is very amusing to say these words around her.  She runs away plugging her ears.  The words change often, so we never know what the words are going to be from day to day.

-James has the hardest time making decisions.  He spends HOURS AND HOURS researching, learning, and studying almost every thing he purchases.  I always tease him when we are shopping that we need to have a prayer and fast when he is taking too long.  We are not a good shopping combination.  

-I am a compulsive list maker.  I have notebooks and notebooks of lists that I make all of the time.  They are really funny to look at because I usually never accomplish anything from the lists.  Oh well....I have great intentions, I have the proof in writing!

So...did you learn anything new?  We are one weird family when you get to know us, but don't let that scare you off, we know how to behave in public (not Averi though-she is still learning).  

I am planning on LOTS of summer fun or at least lots of getting out of my house in the next few months.  So here I come Summer!!!! 


Barb said...

Hi Amber!

Just remember . . . you can always come home. . . and please bring your weird family with you!!

I love you,


LeAnn said...

I am so LOL on this one. You are so funny. I loved it all. If you are really bored come down for a visit; I would love it. I miss my kids and all of you. We need a conversation soon. Love you much and forever! Mom
Yes, I do know where James got his weirdness and I am sure it is a heritary thing; but it's not me or your mother.

Kam said...

What a fun write-up. So fun to hear about each of your kids, and you and James too. Funny stuff! I remember your burping talent very well... I think you were honing all through hs! ha! And I've got your same "list" compulsion... I even have lists in my journals. crazy!

miss you! xx

Budsy Jean said...

Not related to this specific blog. I saw your story on Discovery Fit & Health. My great-niece, who will be 3 in September, was also born with osteopetrosis. Her journey almost identically mirrored Averi's. Litlle Sydney is completely blind, however. Her brother, Trevor, was a 100% match for bone marrow. I can't tell you how much hope your story gives me! Sydney loves music, too, but is developmentally delayed. It is just so encouraging to see in Averi what might be for Sydney! Thank you for sharing your story and I'm going to send my nephew and his wife your blog spot! I think that they will be so encouraged!

amber and james said...

I am so happy to hear that our story helped someone else. It wasn't a fun thing to do. It was like working full time for free, but it makes it worth it when I think it helps someone else. I would love to be in touch with Sydney's parents. There are so many tips and words of encouragement I could provide them. Thank you for telling me their story.
Amber Williams