Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This and that and other stuff.

Here is post #2 of this year-I am on a roll!

I'm a Pirate!  No not for Halloween, but in real life.  I think I am anyway...if that is what someone who blog stalks and steals pictures from her family is called, that is what I am.  And I am not sorry about it either.  I need to take advantage of other people being smarter and less lazy than I am.  I ALWAYS FORGET MY CAMERA!!!!!

Our sweet little miracle baby Ave turned 9 this year on August 9th.  We waited a little bit longer to baptize her so that she could understand it better.  Although I think she is perfect and that she is a special spirit who probably doesn't need to be baptized, but she wanted to do it.  We were so proud of her and she was so proud of herself.  I was glad I had to go "behind the scenes" to help her because I was a big bawl baby and cried out of pure joy that she is with us and got the chance to have this moment.

The funniest thing was that she jumped up after she was dunked and yelled "I AM BAPTIZED!"  and then for some reason she wouldn't put her feet on the bottom of the font and James had to pull her along to the stairs with her feet floating behind her.  It was so funny...I loved it soo much!  She is amazing and brilliant!

They are so cute!

Grandma and Grandpa Williams

Grandma and Grandpa Empey
My 2 cuties!

Averi practicing getting  baptized...we had to do A LOT of practicing so she wouldn't be too nervous to lay back in the water.  She did so awesome, not one glitch at all.  Our prayers were answered!

Family picture...not of the baptism because I don't have one.   So here we all are together anyway!


My little tiny boy got ordained a Deacon in March when he turned 12.  He gets to pass the sacrament and I am so proud of him.  He just got made the Deacon Quorum President too and gave his first talk in sacrament a couple of weeks ago, but James wouldn't let me video tape it!  I kept waving at him from the back row until my bishop saw me.  I did the same thing the first day he passed the that weird?  I can't help it!  I am so proud of my little guy.  Actually he is not so little anymore.  He is 5 ft. 7 in. tall.  I am only 5'4" and I think he outweighs me too.  I AM SAD!

Christian and Austin his cousin-they are 13 days apart-so fun!

My football hero!

 I have been babysitting my little niece Clara-Chris and Diana's baby and I have been playing with Nathan-Jessie and Ben's baby and I miss babies.  I am sad that I didn't get the chance to enjoy Ave's baby months and that I couldn't have any more, but I love being an aunt!  I get to sleep all night and still enjoy the little kiddos.   I know I whine about kids sometimes, but I am really the luckiest mom in the whole world!  I have the best kids!
Snuggling on the babies

Me and my baby

My heaven-sent little angel Taylor is so awesome! She has more talent in her little finger than I have or ever will have in my lifetime!  She has been learning to sew and entered a patchwork pillow in the fair for 4H this year and got a ribbon for it!  I was so proud of her.  She helps me so much, I couldn't function without her most of the time.  Heavenly Father knew I needed her for sure. My kids teach me so much.  Taylor is my little best friend and I love it!
Taylor is so motherly, even to her puppy Bandit.

My BEAUTIFUL Taylor Jo and my niece Clara Jo...they are SO much alike
Look at that face!!!!  Sooo sweet!


Barb said...

Hi Amber!

I am so shocked that I get to enjoy your blog . . . twice in a week!!!

I have to agree with you on EVERY point - I love these little kidos so much! What on earth would we do without them?!

You can be a pirate anytime - you know me I probably over-post pictures of my sweeties!!

Hugs and Love,

LeAnn said...

I am so happy that you are blogging again. The pictures are awesome and the thoughts. Of course that is because it is about all my sweet grandchildren. This was a great post and I am smiling at all the pictures. Love you much dear daughter and love to you all!
Lots of hugs,
Mom W.