As I stated on my Face Book today, I am thankful for school. I get to send my kids there all day and they get smarter while I have a lot of freedom. I have been waiting for this all of my life. I love my kids sooo much, but I love them even more when I get a little "mommy time".
Today they are home from school. The only thing that is keeping me sane so far is the fact that I bought a Dyson vacuum last night and they are very fascinated by it for some reason. It's like a visitor from another planet. They keep hovering around it and pushing buttons to see what happens. I am going to use this to my advantage and bribe them to clean and let them try out the new contraption. Oh the mom tricks I can pull out of my sleeves! I am a genius!
This year is flying by so fast. I want to freeze time. But only if is during the school year in the Fall, not summer when my kids are home fighting all day. They are at such fun ages right now. I told them both a couple of weeks ago that I am their best friend and they have to tell their best friend who they have crushes on. It didn't work! I then tried to bribe them with $5.00 if they told me, and that didn't work either. I am doing something wrong. I will have to come up with a sneakier plan! I need to know these things dang it!
Something new on Wednesday . . .
2 days ago